Couldn't resist this vintage postcard of my home town for sale on ebay recently. I've collected a few vintage "elevator shots" over the years but this one was unique in that it appeared to have some sort of parade or procession down main street. It took a bit of research through history books and other old photos. I couldn't see any cars newer than the early thirties. What few trees were visibile had no leaves showing so it had to be spring or fall. Finally it was the sign or banner high on the lead float that gave it away when I found a photo taken from another angle in the local history book. It was the Jubilee celebration for King George V and Queen Mary. An event that was apparently celebrated in many towns and villages across the country on that day, May 6, 1935.
Interesting comments written on the back by the photographer give few clues..........
"Taken from top of an elevator. God it was dusty.....but anything for art(?) Its a procession in commemoration of an old settler- or somepin' Anyway, this is all the Llptonians-such a crowd- and I am going to have to live with them!!! "
I wonder who wrote that brief comment? Obviously someone who was new to the town as they did not seem to know what the parade was all about.
New grain elevator manager? Not likely as I doubt they would complain about the grain dust which was a daily occurence in the old elevators.
Interesting photo. I've found that the details of old pictures are often more interesting than the supposed subject. I've certainly learned a lot going through old family photos this past year. And, like the inscription on the back of your postcard, there always another question raised.