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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Many Acres, Not so Many Bushels

Beautiful day behind the glass of the combine cab but wild windy and a bit cool outside. That wind damaged some of the canola swaths today. Sure did keep the combine clean as dust could not settle anywhere. Unloading the hopper had to be done in the shelter of the trees or the grain would blow away.
I'm doing a lot of acres per day but not as many bushels as there should be. Seems to be typical from reports of other crops I am hearing. Crops look good but just not yielding as they should. Ironic as grain prices are great and we were looking forward to a very profitable year.
Finished the standing wheat this evening. Now about 130 acres of canola swath to pick up as well as 50 of oats and 60 of wheat on another field. By then maybe the 140 acres of flax will be ready to swath.
Dry , dry conditions are allowing harvest to progress daily. Could do with a little less wind though. This was extreme, even for Sask.


  1. God blesses us and the devil takes it away, I guess.

  2. The wind blows so hard in the evenings around here that we have resorted to tying a sack around the end of the unloading auger when unloading grass seed.
    Meadow Foxtail is the worst. You know it is too windy when the seed blows out of the tank faster than it comes in.
    Hope your yields improve good prices and good yields are the ideal. Of course there have been a few years of bad prices and bad yields...
