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Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring Auction Sales

Standing around at farm auction sales is very hard on my back lately but I did get to a couple this spring and shot a bit of video. Watching them online from a comfortable chair is a lot more attractive. If only Sasktel would come up with more band width for us peasants out here in the sticks I would likely do it more often. Especially when snow is in the forecast (again).
Sitting up on top of a 2388 combine to shoot some video was a nice change from standing and a chance to rest my back but eventually the wind got to feeling cold at only a couple of degrees above freezing.


  1. Ah, so THAT's where you are! I still wasn't sure. Thought maybe further south. More snow up here today. You know ... like, we just can't get ENOUGH of that stuff.

  2. I figured I was half way to Golden Grain farm at the Bankend auction but did not see Stubble Jumpin gal anywhere in the crowd. Huge crowd there.

  3. I'm sure all those sales are full of White 2-110 and 2-105 FWA tractors with low hours that they are just giving away.
    Or perhaps a White 8920 that no one wants because they don't know that if the low water sensor on the radiator gets disconnected the header won't lift.
    And Minneapolis-Moline M670 supers and G1000 Vistas and oh my.
    If I only had some money.
