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Friday, September 23, 2016

Harvest 2016 Episode 1

You can tell its a rainy day and I can't harvest. So I'm catching up on a few things including editing some of the video and photos on my cameras. I worked til 3 am last night trying to finish a field of oat swaths before the rain but never made it. Those big swaths were tough enough going even when relatively dry but the rain was the finish. My "harvest crew" stuck with me right to the finish and I would be lost without them.

Its supposed to be a big one but so far just slow rain. Canola and wheat yielded great. Oats not quite so good and I suspect I should have swathed them sooner before Sunday's wild wind threshed out a lot of crops. Some canola swaths were torn apart and there was a "twister trail" across the oat field yesterday and swaths were scattered. As always, we are at the mercy of nature in this business.


  1. Rain here too, of course; constant, though sometimes so light as to be almost a mist. I hope to get out for a walk today; couldn't yesterday without getting wet. The boys got a real nice crop of oats - "Look at that swath!" their mother said when inspecting as Scott went down the rows with a combine. You might be interested to know that their organic crops look as if they have fewer weeds than some of the neighbours' crops that have been sprayed with pesticides. I can't say how that works out when it comes to quality, selling price, etc.

    1. That is truly impressive on the organic oats Kate. I give mine the full menu of chemical weed control and yet there are still weeds in the crop at harvest time

  2. I always thought that I would have enjoyed row cropping, but we didn't have the land for it, or the money required for machinery of that type. We raised Hereford cattle, ran a sawmill and did custom mowing and baling instead. It never made us rich, but it kept us off the streets (in more ways than one)! lol

    1. Gorges you remind me of that old saying, "a farmer lives poor and dies rich".

  3. We have two crops left to combine. Teff and Sudan Grass. They are swathed and it is going to be 85 degrees this week. Followed by rain at the weekend. We are going to start chopping corn silage Thursday, I hope.
    I am taking off work to work at home.
