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Saturday, February 8, 2025

My Last Roundup

Well I am finally out of the cattle business as of Jan 27, 2025. First time in about 120 years that there have been no cattle on the farm. I will miss them but its a relief not to have to chores in the miserable winter we get sometimes. Not to have to worry about them breaking out of the fences into neighbour's crops. Prices are about the best they have been historically so that helps too. https://youtu.be/34W5JLi2dd8 Blogger makes it way too difficult to post the actual youtube video from my channel here but you can see it on the Roosty6 channel under title My Last Roundup.


  1. A happy day and a sad day all wrapped up together. Best wishes to you and your family for the future.

  2. For withdrawal pains You can always hang out at the livestock auction. Just keep your head straight and your hands in your pocket.

  3. Say it ain't so! I keep considering getting back into cattle. But then there is fence building and barn cleaning and vaccinations and feeding twice a day and escaping cows. Hmm, good decision!

    1. When I look at the price I got for the cattle I'm thinkng I should have stayed in it. But seriously a good time to sell. Not sure how people can afford to buy beef at these prices.

  4. Not having ever had cattle I look at our fenced pasture and buildings and think a half dozen would be nice. Then I realize there comes an age when a few gates should be left open. Sounds like a logical move.
