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Roosty6 @B110

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Still Here

Doing more video blogging lately and neglecting to post anything here. So heres the latest video on yt just to show what I'm up to. https://youtu.be/fQaM5I83-94

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Climate Hell?

That is the latest headline from the climate ninnies. Warning that we have just experienced the hottest May in recent history. Meanwhile, back in the world where I live, its 62 degrees in my house and I'm wearing a hoodie to keep warm. If it was January I'd be turning on the furnace to warm the house up but I refuse to do it on the sixth of June! Yesterday's 'high temp" was about 60 degrees outdoors and with the raging NW wind it was downright cold outside. Good weather if you are digging ditches or shovelling grain but otherwise its winter boots and lined jackets over coveralls. Really wonder if I'm living on the same planet sometimes. https://www.cbc.ca/news/climate/climate-warming-copernicus-record-united-nations-1.7224438

Monday, January 22, 2024

Some INteresting Reading


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Jan 18 diesel test

I wonder if this will work. My lazy man's way of making a blog post. Just shot this video less than an hour ago. Its still colder and miserable than normal even for Sask.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Warmest Year Yet???

Interesting co-incidence that I woke up to the coldest day yet this winter at -15F. While in the background "climate change radio" (CBC) comes out with the headline that 2023 was the hottest year on record. Theres times I really need to turn the radio off. I can remember one hot day last summer. Canada Day, July 1 was aboout 90F so I decided it was too warm to drive the Merc to the local car show. Other than that I don't remember any extreme heat. Fall harvest, if anything seemed cool and damp. I'll agree that December was well above normal temps and hardly any snow. I guess that is the "warm spell" that has thrown the average temp for the year into the above normal category. I miss the days when all we had to worry about was pollution and the coming ice age. (1960s) In the meantime I'll keep warm by the burning fire.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Price of Beef

FB won't let us share news on there platform anymore so I'll just have to make do with here and Twitter, or "X" as somebody re-named it. Seems the climate fanatics think we can save the world by stopping raising cattle and eating beef. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/markets/first-they-came-for-the-cars-then-the-cows/ar-AA1kW92J?ocid=socialshare&pc=ASTS&cvid=fd68ba94f03a45e18e3dd927debac42f&ei=40 Ok, guess blogger follows the same rules and won't make it easy to share.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bad Luck or No Luck At All

Thats an old expression that comes to mind lately. Although I should not complain too much as I have a lot of help to try and keep the wheels turning. Two combines here on the farm, either one of which should be able to handle the 700 odd acres of crop without a problem. And yet here I sit with both broke down and the last 40 acres of canola swaths still in the field. Cloud and showers in the forecast for today so it will be just a matter of covering things up to protect them from the rain and then try to fix the problems when weather permits. The canola swaths have been a nightmare to put through either combine. The self propelled IH did pretty well but suffered from the abuse of these big canola lumps hitting the feeder and finally something has #@*ed up inside the feeder house causing me to park it. Too dark the investigate much so the John Deere pull type was put into duty after some hydraulic hose replacement to at least cut oil consumption by half. It worked pretty well in spite of numerous feeder house plug ups that are very time consuming and strenuous to unplug. Luckily I have my nephew available most of the time to help out. Due to John Deere's ridiculous belt drive system for the feeder chain it is impossible to turn it backwards by hand because the belt just slips. One man needs to turn the lever while the other holds pressure on the belt so things turn. Otherwise its hand work with hooks and saw to remove a handful of straw at a time. My grandfather Nevard would be shocked to see me using his mitre saw to cut canola stalks out of the combine feeder area but thats what I'm doing. The John Deere gave out on a beautiful harvest day suffering a breakdown of a bolt in the shoe area. Its fixable but going to take time. The showers forecast will give plenty of time to work on it. Of course it is located on the second farthest away field so repairs involve plenty of driving back and forth for tools, parts, etc. There can't be much good weather left at this time of year. Will I finish before winter sets in? Will the grain be dry?