Headlands P.O. Sask.
April 27, 1908
Dear Horace
We got your letter alright and I sent 2 letters off to you and I am sending 2 more off today that Earn brought
home last week, he forgot the address.
Earn has seeded about 9 and a half acres of wheat and I have 7 acres ready to seed and my stubble burnt
off ready to seed.
I shall disk it twice and seed it. We have picked a flour bag full of wheat and another one half full so we may get
enough for 1 acre each. I have hand picked 1/2 bushel of oats. The wheat is easy now as there are not many weed
seeds in it. The oats are easy too. Jerry's ride is a good big one. I have written off to the Free Press to say what they
say about it. We use the two oxen on the seeder. It is a bit heavy for them but they manage it. I used the two
horses on the disk but the shag is not heavy enough or she is getting too near foaling as she nerly played out.
I had a letter from Aunt Eliza and Aunt Annie. Uncle George was to be married on Easter Sunday. Willie Luceny
is out in Canada at Quebec working for the Dominion Bridge Co. Cecil Nevard is working in the bush in New Ontario.
I had a letter from Emily and Louie as well. Grandmother is getting a little better but she is not right yet.
Canon Lester is leaving Lexden. He is exchanging livings with a clergyman in Somersetshire. He is leaving 2 weeks
after Easter.
Billy started opening one of your letters before Mary noticed him so you can paste him for that when you come up.
Mary asked me to tell you one of the pullets has been setting for 3 weeks and I have no money to buy her eggs.
I took a load of wheat down and got $4.10 for 16 !/2 bushels. I don't want to take anymore as we have only the fanning
mill cleanings to take or the stuff we got out for seed and it is like throwing it away. I do wish you could send us some
money the end of the month or in May I mean, if you can get some as I am nearly ashamed to go and see Mrs. McNeil
after butter as I can not get any money off Chapman and we will be out of bacon and sugar in a few days.
We have enough bacon for a week and sugar for 2 weeks. I have $14 to come from Chapman yet and I am bound to get
even if he threshes for me in the fall as I will stop it out of the bill.
Earn has built the pig pen and has only to sod the sleeping place up to be ready for them to go into. I expect you are
having rough weather down there like us. We have quite a snowfall up here. The rain came alright to soften the breaking
up. We can knock up the lumps better.
I will let you know about the wife later on as I have to get a letter from her. But I shall try and persuade her to come
out next spring to spare me going home as it will cost a lot one way and another and will take off money that will be
wanted for other things.
Cecil sent me a note last week in the People and asked me to tell you the K.R. Rifles beat the town for P. Charity by
3 goals to 2. They are very dirty players Cecil says. Young Horace is going to stay with Mother and Emily for a time at
And now I am going to have my dinner so I will have to conclude as there is nothing going on up here. I forgot we are
getting some hay for the use of the feeder off Bonham. And now don't forget the money if you can get some. I would not
ask but the need is very great.
Goodby, love from all, I remain your loving brother, A. Nevard.
I tore one of the envelopes off to make it lighter as I did not want it to cost more than 2 cents as I have not many stamps
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