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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Drone View Planting Canola

Been a little busy the past few weeks trying to get a crop planted. With the usual hitches , breakdowns and general setbacks it takes a long time. I think time passes quicker the older I get. I did manage to get most of the crop in the ground by the 24th of May which is kind of a random target date I like to be finished by. Still got a few garden things to plant. That first row of potatoes has been in the ground near a month I think and a few of them are growing.

I've been too busy to fly the drone but my nephew was able to use his to get some great video of my running the air seeder this past weekend. Out among the scenic sloughs of pothole country. Hopefully it will be nice and yellow this summer with blooming canola.


  1. Being from West Virginia, I had to laugh at your term "hilltops." Your system reminds of of the circular planting around the big irrigation systems out west.

    1. Gorges, it is the one dimensional effect of viewing it on a screen that makes our ground look flat. In fact there are some pretty good side hills here where I slow down for the turns so the load I am pulling does not tip.

  2. How do you keep that seeder lined up on the previous row so well? Do you have a camera on it, or a permanent crick in your back? :-) Nice drone flying too!

    1. After many years and hours it becomes easy to stay on the line. I have to make a small mental adjustment when I change from the 28 foot air seeder to the 31 foot anhydrous cultivator, or the 50 foot harrows and then the 60 foot sprayer. Of course the big efficient farmers have auto steer and don't even have a hand on the steering wheel to make perfect straight lines.
