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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Harvest 2013 begins

Well I had great intentions of editing another video for youtube tonight. Shot some scenes of moving machinery on the weekend , getting the swather out of the back of the shed, driving 2 cylinder vintage John Deere, etc. Then I remembered that I left the Gopro camera out in one of the vehicles. And since it is pitch dark out there now, I still haven't fixed that yardlight, I guess I won't be going out. Chances of meeting up with a skunk, racoon, or some other form of wildlife in the dark I can do without.

Stay tuned, the video will happen.

In farming news, harvest has begun. I spent the last two days swathing canola. One of the cleanest, tallest, heaviest crops I can recall. It was hard to swath but hopefully will reward me in a high yield. Crop prices have dropped but I don't usually expect to win the lottery of high yields and prices together.

Fields have really dried up and its hard to believe I had 16 inches of rain in a month back in July. Dark clouds built up this afternoon while I was swathing and finally turned into quite a thunderstorm this evening. Now, to swath cereals or not? If forecasts are right we will have a warm September and the cereal crops should ripen naturally not requiring swathing.
The canola as it stood last week when I was trying to decide if it was ready to swath.

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