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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Cold In Saskatchewan

Its no big news being cold in February in Saskatchewan but this spell is going on for a while. Well below normal. I've been putting off a trip to town for a week now thinking tomorrow will be better. But each day seems to get a little colder. If it ever warms up to zero degrees (farenheit) it will feel like spring I think. At least the sun shines and the wind stays down (today). More to come. So its a bit cold to shoot video and my latest is brief.
The old Woody Woodpecker clock is likely almost as old as me and still works. Some of the time.


  1. Replies
    1. Surprisingly well. They did not even come back to the yard for grain and water this morning. They have a good sheltered spot at the far hay feeder and spend a good part of the day there. Standing out at -30F this morning looking relaxed.

  2. Currently a balmy 40*f here. Shot some elk yesterday. (on the blog)
    I wouldn't like sub zero cold at all.

    1. Surprisingly you do get used to it. But I'll be glad to get back to warmer weather.

  3. Cute clock!
    I see you and I both still think in Fahrenheit, stubborn old codgers that we are. -Kate

    1. You got that right Kate. Since a lot of my "audience" is U.S. based , the metric system is just confusing them so I have another excuse to stubbornly persist with farenheit.
