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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Harvest 2016 Part 4

The latest installment of harvest 2016. The upside of this miserable wet weather is that I have time to edit and upload more video off the cab camera on the off chance that anybody else is interested in watching me run the combine.

The recent snow is slowly melting which looks like an improvement anyway. Today was almost a drying day for a change but more showers are forecast for tonight. So its two steps forward and two steps back. Keep that up for long and real winter is here before we know it.

I got inspired to dig a few more potatoes out of the wet ground today. 9 pails worth. It is the only harvesting I can do at this point.

Here is a photo of the snow on canola swaths yesterday afternoon , October 7.


  1. Out on the prairies here, they call the watery areas "potholes," like the ones in the roads. Do they call them that up there, or do they have another name?

    1. Same here Gorges. Either that or sloughs and everyone knows what you refer to. We have a few too many lately.

  2. I planted for my neighbor today. Got rained out. I looked at our fields. There is no way I'm getting on any worked ground. Depressing...

    1. At least its not just you. When it is that wet nobody else can get out there either.
