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Thursday, October 26, 2017

First Snow

Never a welcome sight but this was kind of a scenic view this morning in the sun. The poor old 49 Merc had a good coating of snow on it. The engine still seized up solid. I have to admit I have been neglecting it lately not even trying to turn the motor with the big wrench. Though I am pretty sure it is not going to loosen up and I will end up removing the heads to finally loosen it up.
At least the snow will not catch any crops still waiting to be harvested. Thanks to the dry conditions everything is finished. No flax on this farm this year or else that might be waiting on me.
The ground is almost too dry to freeze. What little rain we have had has barely been enough to dampen the surface and done nothing for subsoil moisture. More snow will help that situation but it can wait a while yet.

1 comment:

  1. Why can't the snow fall in August when we'd appreciate it? - lol
